explain in detail all simple permanent tissue in plants?
Type of cells: Living Isodia-metric shape.
Cell Wall: Thin Walls
Cytoplasmic Content: Distinct nucleus with large central vacuole
Function: Stores food and forms packing tissue
Location: In all soft parts, i.e., stems, roots, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Type of cells: Living cells with thick comers
Cell Wall: Thickened at corners
Cytoplasmic Content: Distinct nucleus and dense cytoplasm
Function: Gives mechanical support and carry out photosynthesis.
Location: Present below the epidermis in stems and leaves.
Type of cells: Dead cells, long and narrow
Cell Wall: Thick due to deposition of pectin
Cytoplasmic Content: No nucleus and no cytoplasm
Function: Provides strength to the plants.
Location: Present in xylem and phloem , shells of nuts, in hard seeds and pulp of pear.