explain it please...........
Translation of poem to English (It still may seem confusing but here's the closest one i could get)
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choice
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out there
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out thereWith silver hair and silver coins.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out thereWith silver hair and silver coins.This choice was as foolish as they are.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out thereWith silver hair and silver coins.This choice was as foolish as they are.Take whatever wife you want to bed with you,
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out thereWith silver hair and silver coins.This choice was as foolish as they are.Take whatever wife you want to bed with you,You’ll have a fool’s head forever.
"This box was tested in the fire seven times.The person who never makes a wrong choiceHas wisdom that will stand the test.Some people kiss shadows.They only feel the shadow of joy.There are fools out thereWith silver hair and silver coins.This choice was as foolish as they are.Take whatever wife you want to bed with you,You’ll have a fool’s head forever.So go away. You’re done here."