explain kingdom animalia in brief.URGENT!
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Kingdom Animalia is a category of mostly eukaryotic organisms. There are ten sub divisons or Phyla. Its recommended to by heart the names:
1.Phylum Porifera-Marine, and non-locomotive(eg:Spngilla)
2.Phylum Coelenterata or Cnidara-Mostly marine, sac-like(Hydra)
3.Phylum Ctenophora-Marine, one of those crazy aquatic things!(Ctenoplana)
4.Phylum Platyhelminthes-Some are marine, Flatworms(Tapeworm)
5.Phylum Nematoda-All types of habitat, complete worms(Ascaris)
6.Phylum Annelida-Marine,land,parasitic, worms(Leech)
7.Phylum Arthropoda-Mostly land, insects(Spiders,scorpion)
8.Phylum Mollusca-Marine, softbodied(Snail, Octopus)
9.Phylum Echinodermata-Marine, locomotive,spiny skinned(Starfish)
10.Phylum Chordata-All types of habitat,developed(You,me,fish,reptiles,etc)
All Phylums except the last, Phylum Chordata, are Invertebrates.
Chordata are verebrates and are devided into these:
Class Pisces
Class Amphibia
Class Reptilia
Class Aves
Class Mammalia
It is recommended to learn all of them, two fatures and atleast one or two examples. I know you wanted a brief one, but this is as brief as it gets!!
Hope u find this helpful!!
1.Phylum Porifera-Marine, and non-locomotive(eg:Spngilla)
2.Phylum Coelenterata or Cnidara-Mostly marine, sac-like(Hydra)
3.Phylum Ctenophora-Marine, one of those crazy aquatic things!(Ctenoplana)
4.Phylum Platyhelminthes-Some are marine, Flatworms(Tapeworm)
5.Phylum Nematoda-All types of habitat, complete worms(Ascaris)
6.Phylum Annelida-Marine,land,parasitic, worms(Leech)
7.Phylum Arthropoda-Mostly land, insects(Spiders,scorpion)
8.Phylum Mollusca-Marine, softbodied(Snail, Octopus)
9.Phylum Echinodermata-Marine, locomotive,spiny skinned(Starfish)
10.Phylum Chordata-All types of habitat,developed(You,me,fish,reptiles,etc)
All Phylums except the last, Phylum Chordata, are Invertebrates.
Chordata are verebrates and are devided into these:
Class Pisces
Class Amphibia
Class Reptilia
Class Aves
Class Mammalia
It is recommended to learn all of them, two fatures and atleast one or two examples. I know you wanted a brief one, but this is as brief as it gets!!
Hope u find this helpful!!
Answered by
It has cellular level of organization.
Those who are in cylindrical shape have radial symmetry and others are asymmetrical.
They are Diploblastic animals.
They respire through body surface by diffusion.
Ex :- Sponges, Spongilla etc.
They have organ or organ system level of organization.
They are Radially symmetry.
They are Diploblastic animals.
They respire through body surface by diffusion.
Ex :- Sea-pan, Sea-fan etc.
They have tissue level of organization system.
That have Radial Symmetry.
They are Biradial.
They respire through body surface.
Ex :- Ctenoplana.
They have organ system level of organization.
They have Bilateral Symmetry.
They are Triploblastic animals.
Respiration occurs by body surface by diffusion.
Ex :- Tape worm, Liver fluke etc.
They have organ system level of organization.
They have Bilateral Symmetry.
They are Triploblastic animals.
Respiration occurs through body surface by diffusion.
Ex :- Ascaris, Hookworm etc.
They have organ level of organization system.
They have Bilateral Symmetry.
They are Triploblastic animals.
They respire through skin.
Ex :- Earthworm, Leeches etc.
They have organ level of organization system.
They have Bilateral Symmetry.
They are Triploblastic animals.
Respiration may occurs through body surface, trachea and gills.
Ex :- Crabs, Prawns etc.
They have organ level of organization system.
They are Bilateral Symmetry.
That are Triploblastic animals.
Respire through gills.
Ex :- Cuttlefish, Snails etc.
They have organ system level of organization system.
That have Radial Symmetry in adults and Bilateral Symmetry in larval stage.
Respiration through gills.
Ex :- Brittle star, Star dollar etc.
They have organ system level of organization system.
They have Bilateral Symmetry.
They are Triploblastic animals.
Respire through gills.
Ex :- Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus etc.
That have tissue level of organization system.
That have Bilateral Symmetry.
That are Triploblastic animals.
Respiration may occurs through body surface, trachea, gills and lungs.
Ex :- Tadpole, Fishes etc.
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