Explain Kreb's Cycle In brief [at least 10 to 12 lines]
The Krebs cycle – also called the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle – is the first step in the aerobic pathway, and it operates to continually synthesize enough of a substance called oxaloacetate to keep the cycle going, although, as you'll see, this is not really the cycle's "mission." The Krebs cycle supplies other benefits as well. Because it includes some eight reactions (and, correspondingly, nine enzymes) involving nine distinct molecules, it is helpful to develop tools to keep the important points of the cycle straight in your mind.
kreb's cycle:
the molecules of acetyle-CoA enter the mitochondria.cyclic chain reaction of acetyl-CoA. is completely oxidized through this cyclical process and molecules CO2,H2O , NADH2, FADH2 are derived