Explain lewis dot structure in simple language.
Lewis dot structure:
It is the representation of molecules and ions in terms of the shared pairs of electrons and the octet rule structure.
Steps to write structure:
Steps to write Lewis dot structure are as follows:
Sum of the valence electrons (combining atoms) = Total number of electrons (required to write the structure).
Chemical symbol of the atoms and the skeletal structure of the compound should be known.
The least electronegative atom occupies the central position of the molecule.

(1) Count the number of valence electrons in each combining atoms in the molecule.
(2) Write the skeletal structure of the molecule indicating valence electrons in each atom and formation of a single bond between the atoms.
(3) If octet is not complete then form multiple bonds between the atoms so that octet of each bonding atom is complete.
(4) In anions add extra electron for each negative charge.
(5) In cations show deficiency of one electron per unit positive charge.
(6) In polyatomic molecules or ions, the electronegative atoms are flanked around least electronegative atom.