Social Sciences, asked by gandretileela55, 2 months ago

explain me about October revolution
raj where r u ?? answer this question ​


Answered by saniriya


The October Revolution was the second and the last major part of the Russian Revolution of 1917. It is also known as the Bolshevik Revolution. This Military Revolution Committee was led by Trotsky and they were able to garner the support of Petrograd Garrison and Kronstadt sailors. The Prime Minister ordered the arrest of Bolshevik leaders in October, this led to an armed uprising in Petrograd on 25th October 1917. The revolution was led by the Bolsheviks who occupied the government buildings on 25th October. The following day Winter Palace was captured. It was the seat of the Provisional Government which was established after overthrowing Tsars. Bolsheviks later went on to become the Communist Party of Soviet Union. The new Government was led by Vladimir Lenin

Ur welcome;)

Answered by ahmad794786


Given the sharp fall of the authority of the Provisional Government a national crisis in Russia reached its highest point in October. The country went inexorably to the socialist revolution. Start the evening of October. 24, 1917 in Petrograd armed uprisi ng of soldiers and sailors was completed with the victory, by the morning of October 25, they captured all the major sites of the capital: railway stations, telephone, telegraph, a power station, government agencies, and the stateowned bank. The Provision al Government was overthrown, and its ministers were arrested. As a result of the October Revolution in Russia the power of the landowners and the bourgeoisie (capitalists) was destroyed, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, the Soviet so cialist state was formed. The most important step on the path of the socialist revolution in Russia was the February bourgeoisdemocratic revolution of 1917 overthrew the monarchy. After it dual power was established in Russian dictatorship of the bo — the urgeoisie in the name of the Provisional Government and the revolutionarydemocratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry, represented by the Soviets of Workers ‘and Soldiers’ Deputies. The deep economic and political contradictions in the country put on the agenda the question of the socialist revolution. Specific plan of the transition from the bourgeoisdemocratic revolution to the socialist one was stated in April Theses by Lenin, on the basis of which the VI Party Congress (b), held on 26 July — 8 August of 1917, adopted a policy of armed uprising to take the power by the proletariat in alliance with the poor peasantry. Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee was founded to prepare and conduct the uprising, the Revolutionary Military Center was responsible for the immediate party leadership. On the evening of October 25 in Smolny the Il AllRussian Congress of Soviets was opened, it accepted an appeal «to the workers, soldiers and peasants!», which proclaimed the transfer of all power in the center and locally — to the Soviets of Workers’, Soldiers’ and Peasants’ Deputies. The Congress approved the Decree on Peace and the Decree on Land, forming the first government of workers and peasants — People’s Commissars, headed by Leni n. the Council of The decrees, adopted at the Il Congress of Soviets of Workers ‘and Soldiers’ Deputies, declared the Russian withdrawal from the war, the transfer of land to the peasants and the widespread establishment of the Soviet power at various levels. On October 26, 1917 the Appeal of the Soviet Government to all migrant Muslims of Russia and the East was promulgated. It had a special significance for the national borderlands, as its following provision sounded convincing: (From now on, your talents and customs, y our national and cultural institutions are declared free and inviolable. Arrange your national Life freely and without hindrance. You have the right to do so. Know that your rights, like the rights of all the peoples of Russia, are protected by the full mi ght of the revolution and its bodies the Soviets of Workers’, Soldiers’ and Peasants’ Deputies)— Thus, the October Revolution opened a new era in the history of mankind, an era freed from the colonial yoke. The transition to an era of freedom and indepen dence, democracy and social progress.

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