explain myopia..............
standard objects to be blood while close objects appear normal.
Myopia (Short-sightedness):- Myopia is a defect in which a human eye can see nearby objects distinctly but is unable to see distant objects distinctly.
See the attachment .
The Far point shown . This point is generally a few metres from the eye .
It is because of this reason that students suffering from myopia are unable to read writing on black board from back benches.
The reason for Myopia are :
- High Converging power of eye-lens because ciliary Muscles Do not relax sufficiently.
- Eye ball being too long because of which the distance between eye-lens and retina increases.
Correction :- This defect is Corrected by placing a concave lens before the eye. The parallel rays coming from distant object is first diverged by the concave lens and then converged by the eye-lens.
The Power of concave lens is chosen such that it creates only that much divergence so that after the Converging action of eye-lens the image is formed on the retina
The Concave Lens forms image of an object placed at infinity is at F.
Here v = -(distance of far point from the eye) = -x.
Applying Lens formula For concave lens (the corrective lens) we get,
- Power of spectacles for a myopic eye is Negative because the focal length of concave lens is negative.
- Power of Concave lens is different from different myopic eye depending on the degree of defect.