Explain nervous system dysfunction
- As our Central nervous system controlled by brain and spinal.
- There are three nervous system:
- Central nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system
- Autonomic nervous system
Cental Nervous system-
- Brain main controlling center consists of : Fore brain , Hind brain , Mid brain
- Different parts of brain controlled different center.
- brain consist of:
- Cerebrum: two large hemisphere folded to increase surface areas for neurons .
- Cranium: The hard bony box in which brain is protected.
- Hypothalamus: Controlled the function of pituitary gland
- Pituitary gland : Controlled other endocrine glands.
- Medulla : Controlled involuntary functions.
- Cerebellum: Controlled voluntary. function and maintain body posture.
- Pons : Regulate information.
- Spinal cord : Helps to function of all body parts.
Peripheral nervous system -
- It consists 12 pair of cranial nerves and 31 pair of spinal nerve which Regulate information from. brain to all body parts and all body parts to brain.
Autonomic nervous system-
- It controls in voluntary function like heart beating, vomiting, digestion , reabsorption of water in kidney , etc. which is not in our will.
Central Nervous System
Central nervous system dysfunction is progressive. Cerebral oxygen consumption decreases in proportion to the reduction in metabolism. Cerebral blood flow decreases 6% to 7% for each 1° C decrease in temperature.1 Mild hypothermia may be associated with confusion, dysarthria, and impaired judgment.3-5 Deep tendon reflexes are depressed at core temperature lower than 32° C because of slowed peripheral nerve conduction. As body temperature drops, many patients no longer complain of cold. Shivering thermogenesis ceases at approximately 31° C. Pupillary responses decline and dilated unreactive pupils may be noted at temperatures lower than 30° C. Patients may experience hallucinations and sometimes paradoxically remove their clothes. The electroencephalogram (EEG) shows abnormal activity at temperatures less than 32° C, and at 20° C the EEG may appear consistent with brain death.