explain October revolution through flow chart
October Revolution is a revolution that take place in Russia on 24 October 1917.
- After February revolution, Provisional government saw a Decline in their power and the growth of power if Bolsheviks.
- So, they thought to take stern measures against spreading discontent.
- It resisted attempts by workers to run factories and began arresting leaders.
- Popular demonstrations staged by the Bolsheviks in July 1917 were sternly repressed.
- Many Bolsheviks had to go into hiding.
- Meanwhile, in the country side, peasants, and thier socialist revolutionary leaders pressed for redistribution of land.
- Land comitees were formed to handle this.
- Encouraged by the Socialist Revolutionaries, peasants captured land between July and September 1917.
- As the conflict between provisional government and the Bolsheviks grew, Lenin feared the provisional government would set up a dictatorship.
- In September, he began discussions for the uprising.
This uprising was The OCTOBER REVOLUTION.
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