explain one way in which a specific European state applied a specific ideology to govern its colonies
The global expansion of western Europe between the 1760s and the 1870s differed in several important ways from the expansionism and colonialism of previous centuries. Along with the rise of the Industrial Revolution, which economic historians generally trace to the 1760s, and the continuing spread of industrialization in the empire-building countries came a shift in the strategy of trade with the colonial world. Instead of being primarily buyers of colonial products (and frequently under strain to offer sufficient salable goods to balance the exchange), as in the past, the industrializing nations increasingly became sellers in search of markets for the growing volume of their machine-produced goods. Furthermore, over the years there occurred a decided shift in the composition of demand for goods produced in the colonial areas. Spices, sugar, and slaves became relatively less important with the advance of industrialization, concomitant with a rising demand for raw materials for industry (e.g., cotton, wool, vegetable oils, jute, dyestuffs) and food for the swelling industrial areas (wheat, tea, coffee, cocoa, meat, butter).
Answer: Britain used the ideology of colonialism in Africa and India to rule or govern them, the evidence of which is also seen in their policies.
Hobson defines colonialism as the transfer by one country to another foreign uninhabited or sparsely populated land, with the migrant taking away citizenship rights or establishing absolute control over local institutions such as local self-government. .
features of colonialism
The political systems of the colonial powers were undemocratic
Colonial governments did not accept people's participation
There was minimal interference of the people in the determination of policies and decisions or there was no role of the people in this system.
The colonial rule often had to face resistance against its rule. Therefore, maintaining peace and order remained the top priority of the colonial governments, due to which most of the money of the colonies was spent on the development and maintenance of police and army instead of education, housing and health.
Most of the colonial governments were short of funds. The European colonial powers did not want their colonies to spend all the money on governing Africa
The colonial governments followed the policy of divide and rule .
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