explain organic movements geography
The organic movement sought to expand the meaning of sustainability to include not only environmental and ecological benefits, but also issues such as social justice, farm worker safety and security, animal welfare, and the development of rural communities.
The organic movement broadly refers to the organizations and individuals involved worldwide in the promotion of organic farming and other organic products. It started around the first half of the 20th century, when modern large-scale agricultural practices began to appear.
जैविक आंदोलन मोटे तौर पर जैविक खेती और अन्य जैविक उत्पादों के प्रचार में दुनिया भर में शामिल संगठनों और व्यक्तियों को संदर्भित करता है। यह 20 वीं शताब्दी की पहली छमाही के आसपास शुरू हुआ, जब आधुनिक बड़े पैमाने पर कृषि पद्धतियां दिखाई देने लगीं।