Explain Paitamaha Siddhanta in brief.
This term is an established term within Hindu philosophy which denotes a specific line of development within a Hindu religious or philosophical tradition. The traditional schools of Hindu philosophy have had their siddhạntas established by their respective founders in the form of sūtras (aphorisms).
The sūtras are commented by a major philosopher in the respective traditions to elaborate upon the established doctrine by quoting from the śāstras (scriptures) and using logic and pramāṇas (accepted source of knowledge).
For example, in the tradition of Vedanta, the author of the Brahma Sūtra was Veda-Vyāsa and the commentators were Ādi Śaṅkara, Rāmānuja and Mādhavācārya (each of whom eventually set up sub-schools within Vedānta). Also, in the tradition of Pūrva Mīmāṁsā, the author of the sūtra was Jaimini and the commentator was Śabarasvāmi.