explain persistence of vision giving two examples
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persistence of vision is 1/16 sec.
persistence of vision means the time period for which a particular image can be present on the retina of the eye.
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Narrowly defined, the theory of persistence of vision is the belief that human perception of motion is the result of persistence of vision. ... A visual form of memory known as iconic memory has been described as the cause of this phenomenon.
The typical example of this phenomenon is given by the Zoetrope, that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid succession of static pictures. ... Again with the cinemaexample, movies are rapid sequences of discrete images, but persistence of visionsmoothes out movement, making transitions subtle and comprehensive.
The typical example of this phenomenon is given by the Zoetrope, that produces the illusion of motion from a rapid succession of static pictures. ... Again with the cinemaexample, movies are rapid sequences of discrete images, but persistence of visionsmoothes out movement, making transitions subtle and comprehensive.
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