Biology, asked by kishu6331, 11 months ago

explain prophase of mitosis​


Answered by MargilPatel

1.It begins with the shortening and thickening of chromosomes.These chromosomes are clearly visible inside the nucleus.Each chromosome splits longitudinally to form two chromatids.The two sister chromatids remain attached to each other at a small region called centromere or kinetochore.

2. The centriole in the centrosome of animal cell divides into two.The centrosphere (structure which surrounds the centrioles)disappears from the centrosome,setting the centrioles free.[The animal cells may contain one or two centrioles in the centrosome.

3. Centrioles develop very fine eyelash like threads called astral rays.Centrioles along with astral rays are called asters.

4. The two asters start moving towards the opposite poles.By the end of prophase they reach at the opposite poles.

5. Between two asters develop very fine proteinaceous thread like structures called spindle fibres.Asters along with spindle fibres is called spindle or mitotic apparatus. Such a spindle is called amphiastral spindle. In plants,the spindle is without asters and is called anastral spindle.

6. The chromosomes get attached with the spindle fibres from their centromeres.

7. The nuclear membrane and nucleolus start disappearing in the middle of prophase and totally disappear by the end.

Hope you like it.

Thank you

Answered by Anonymous


kishu didi I am sorry for hiding it but one bhai is there who really love u he is not mike but better than him.


whom u talked

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