explain Protiensythesis
Each protein has 20 units that is amino acids or it has 20 types of amino acids. protein can help in our every metobolic reactions. on break down it releases much energy. even RNA, DNA and ribosomes help in synthesis of protein. it also plays imp role in cell cycle thai is mitosis and meosis. amino acis contain organic elements like hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.
Proteins are essential for the healthy functioning of all living things. Proteins are made of amino acids. DNA, RNA, and ribosomes are needed to synthesize proteins. Stages of protein synthesis include the following: Transcription, which is the process in which the DNA's code is copied to produce ribonucleic acid.
Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are formed in biological cells. Proteins carry out all the important functions of a cell, such as transport, structural support, chemical reactions, cell communication, and protection from harmful bacteria and viruses. Every protein molecule is made up of amino acids. Amino acids are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. There are only twenty amino acids that are naturally made by living organisms, but there are vast varieties of proteins created from them.
Names and abbreviations of amino acids
Protein creation begins with deoxyribonucleic acid, also known as DNA. The genetic code of the DNA dictates the type of protein synthesized. Transcription is the process in which the DNA's code is copied to produce ribonucleic acid, or RNA, in the nucleus of a cell. Three types of RNA work together to synthesize proteins: messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The RNA leaves the nucleus and ventures out into the cytoplasm to the ribosomes, which work like small factories that manufacture proteins.