explain radioactivity !!
radioactivity:-> it is a phenomena by which radioactive element emitts alpha ,beta and gamma ray .
Radioactive elements are Dutarium ,Uranium etc .
Radioactivity is a unique properties of element and are mostly used in making nuclear reactor where fission and fusion two phenomenon takes place .
The most lighter Ray I gamma ray and having more penetration effect too .
A nuclei, in an atom, is subjected to the 2 strongest forces of nature, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. As a result, it is likely to become unstable at certain points in time. An unstable nuclei, like any other particle of nature, wants to acquire a more stable form. To do so, it will undergo decay or decomposition, spontaneously. This happens only when the nuclei emits certain particles, like neutrino or certain forms of electromagnetic energy, like the beta-particle, alpha-particle or the gamma-ray. This property of the nuclei to emit rays in order to achieve a stable configuration is called as radioactivity.
I hope it's clear :)