explain:reduction in import duties on agricultural products have proved detrimental to agriculture in the country.
The reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved to be detrimental to
The reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved to be detrimental toagriculture in the country because when a country imports goods from other countries a tax is levied on the agricultural goods this is called the import duties. So if the government of the country decides to reduce the tax levied on the agriculture goods then the people would prefer the imported goods. This actually affects the farmers of the country as they would not be
The reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved to be detrimental toagriculture in the country because when a country imports goods from other countries a tax is levied on the agricultural goods this is called the import duties. So if the government of the country decides to reduce the tax levied on the agriculture goods then the people would prefer the imported goods. This actually affects the farmers of the country as they would not beable to sell their crops because of which
The reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved to be detrimental toagriculture in the country because when a country imports goods from other countries a tax is levied on the agricultural goods this is called the import duties. So if the government of the country decides to reduce the tax levied on the agriculture goods then the people would prefer the imported goods. This actually affects the farmers of the country as they would not beable to sell their crops because of whichthey would get no money and eventually it
The reduction in import duties on agriculture products have proved to be detrimental toagriculture in the country because when a country imports goods from other countries a tax is levied on the agricultural goods this is called the import duties. So if the government of the country decides to reduce the tax levied on the agriculture goods then the people would prefer the imported goods. This actually affects the farmers of the country as they would not beable to sell their crops because of whichthey would get no money and eventually itwould damage the agriculture of the country.
Reduction in import duties on agricultural products has proved detrimental to agriculture in the country. Import duty exists as a tax collected on imports and some exports by a country's customs authorities. A good's value will usually dictate the import duty.
The reduction in import duties on agricultural products has been established to be detrimental to agriculture in the country because when a country imports goods from different countries a tax is levied on the agricultural goods this is named the import duties. So if the government of the country chooses to decrease the tax levied on the agricultural goods then the people would select the imported goods.