Political Science, asked by harsh61423, 1 year ago

Explain representative democracy. Why is representative
democracy most common form of government in
times. Explain any
3 reasons.​


Answered by Harshitkumarjain


The most common form of democracy in present time is that of a representative democracy. It is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected representatives representing a group of people as opposed to direct democracy. (i) India and most of the countries follow the representative democracy. In a democracy, all the people do not rule. Direct rule by people is not possible. (ii) In a democracy, a majority is allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people. Even the majority does not rule directly. It rules through its elected representatives. (iii) Representative democracy becomes necessary in the contemporary world.


so please please mark it as brainlist ...i hope you like it

Answered by futrdrthakur


Representative Democracy type of democracy in which people select there representative to run and hold the government

it is most common because

  • it is not possible to take opinion of all peoples on a single issue in a large country
  • Many peoples are illterate and not know about the rule so there opnion not worth
  • thats why people select reprsentative which on behalf of people run the democracy

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