Explain Respiration in plants compared with respiration in animals.
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals 1. plants only respire Animals breath air for cellular respiration.
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals 1. plants only respire Animals breath air for cellular respiration. 2. Plant obtain oxygen directly from the air through stomata. Animals inhale oxygen from nose or gills into respiratory organs.
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals 1. plants only respire Animals breath air for cellular respiration. 2. Plant obtain oxygen directly from the air through stomata. Animals inhale oxygen from nose or gills into respiratory organs. 3. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is utilized by plants for photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is not utilized by animals.
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals 1. plants only respire Animals breath air for cellular respiration. 2. Plant obtain oxygen directly from the air through stomata. Animals inhale oxygen from nose or gills into respiratory organs. 3. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is utilized by plants for photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is not utilized by animals. a) Respiration in roots: Oxygen present in the airspace of the soil get diffused into the root hairs.
Respiration in plants Respiration in animals 1. plants only respire Animals breath air for cellular respiration. 2. Plant obtain oxygen directly from the air through stomata. Animals inhale oxygen from nose or gills into respiratory organs. 3. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is utilized by plants for photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide released during respiration is not utilized by animals. a) Respiration in roots: Oxygen present in the airspace of the soil get diffused into the root hairs.Image result for respiration in stems
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Respiration in plants
1. plants only respire
2. Plant obtain oxygen directly from the air through stomata.
Respiration in animals
1. Animals breath air for cellular respiration.
2. Animals inhale oxygen from nose or gills into respiratory organs