Explain right to Constitutional remedies. Name any two writs issued by
the court to protect Fundamental Rights.
The Constitution empowers the Supreme Court and High Courts to issue orders or writs. The types of writs are: Habeas Corpus. Certiorari.
Part III of the Constitution provides for legal remedies for the protection of these rights against their violation by the State or other institutions/individuals. It entitles the citizens of India to move the Supreme Court or High Courts for the enforcement of these rights. The State is forbidden from making any law that may conflict with the Fundamental Rights.
Fundamental rights are the rights that grant individuals equality in every aspect irrespective of race, colour, caste, religion, birthplace, or gender. These rights are mentioned under Articles 12 to 35 of the Indian Constitution. There are pre-defined punishments in case of violation of these rights upon the discretion of the judiciary.
This is an important topic for the upcoming IAS exam. In this article, aspirants can get to know about the right to constitutional remedies.
Type of Writs
The Constitution empowers the Supreme Court and High Courts to issue orders or writs.
The types of writs are:
Habeas Corpus