Explain Rock cycles with types of rocks?
The three main types, or classes, of rock are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous and the differences among them have to do with how they are formed.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material. Together, all these particles are called sediment. Gradually, the sediment accumulates in layers and over a long period of time hardens into rock.
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Rock cycle and rock types.
- Rocks form a major part of the earth's crust.
- The rock cycle shows the relationship between the three types of rocks,that is the igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
- Erosion produces sediments which is transported and deposited into deep basins under the sea.
- Then it hardens to form sedimentary rocks.
- If these rocks are buried deeply under the conditions of increased temperature and pressure,it forms metamorphic rocks.
- Intense heat at great depths melts the metamorphic rock and produces magma.
- The magma may rise up and reach the earth's surface where it cools to form igneous rocks .
- At the surface igneous rocks undergo weathering and erosion and the cycle begins again.
- The rocks are broadly classified into three types:-
Igneous rocks- They are formed by the cooling and consolidation of magma.
Sedimentary rocks-Sedimentary rocks are formed by the consolidation of sediments .
Metamorphic rocks-They are formed when the pre-existing rocks have been changed in texture and composition by increased temperature and pressure.