Chemistry, asked by amolkate5389, 1 year ago

Explain Rutherford's nuclear model of an atom. What are its drawbacks?


Answered by praneetha1605
Ernest Rutherford was a scienc born in New Zealand. In 1909 , he did some experiments using gold foil and Alpha particles . Alpha particles consists of two protons and neutrons bound together. Since they do not have any electrons, they are positively charged with two units of charge.

There is a source of fast moving Alpha particles which have a considerable amount of energy. The stream of Alpha particle is directed towards vary thin gold foil. The gold foil was placed inside a detector in such a way that the detective show flash of light when Alpha particles struk it . The entire arrangement was kept in a vacuum chamber.

When the Alpha particle hit the foil Rutherford expected that they all would be deflected by the positive charge spread evenly throughout the gold atoms.

But it was found that most of the Alpha particles pass straight through The atoms without any deflection some particles deflected in small angles only very few particles with deflected through large angles and a very very small number of particles where reflected right back.

Rutherford concluded from the Alpha particle scattering experiment:

1. most of the space inside the atom is empty because most of the Alpha particles passes through the gold foil

2. a very small fraction of Alpha particles that where deflected right back indicated that they had met a very large positive charge and mass which repel the charge on the alphabetical so all the positive charge must be concentrated in a very small space within the atom

On the basis of his experiment with effort put forward the nuclear model of an atom which have the following features :

1. all the positively charged particles in an atom is formed is more than circle called the nucleus of the atom the electrons but not a part of nucleus

2. he also propose that the negatively charged electrons revolve around the nucleus in well defined objects to the force model is sometimes referred to as the planetary model because the motion of the electrons around the nucleus resembles the motion of the planet around the sun

3. the size of nucleus is very small as compared to the size of atom

....The drawbacks of the rutherford's atomic model:

Drawbacks of Rutherford's model of atom. Rutherford proposed that electrons revolve at a high speed in circular orbits around the positively charged nucleus. When a charged particle i. e. electron revolves around positively charge nucleus, it needs to be accelerated so as to keep it moving in circular orbits.

Answered by HEMANSH7131




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