English, asked by Assassinator9122, 1 year ago

explain seemapuri is a place on the periphery of delhi,ye miles away from it, metaphorically..


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Through this expression the author wants to say that these rag pickers though living in the neighborhood of Delhi, are far away from it because they are not able to enjoy the basic necessities and facilities of life such as proper food, clothes, sanitation, drinking water, and shelter due to their impoverished condition. Delhi, in spite of being the Capital of India, where all the developmental policies of the nation are framed, is unable to help them in any manner.


Answered by nalinsingh

Hey !!

Seemapuri is a settlement of rag pickers which is located on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it, metaphorically. Those who live here are squatters who came from Bangladesh back in 1971. Seemapuri was then a wilderness, but still is though now occupied by 10,000 rag pickers who live in structures of mud, with roofs of tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water. It is difficult to believe that such a little hell can exist so near that capital of India.

Good luck !!

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