Explain Shape Tweening.
draw a vector shape at one specific frame in the timeline
About shape tweens
In shape tweening, you draw a vector shape at one specific frame in the Timeline, and change that shape or draw another shape at another specific frame. Animate then interpolates the intermediate shapes for the frames in between, creating the animation of one shape morphing into another.
Animate allows you to add shape tweens to uniform solid strokes and non-uniform fancy strokes. You can also add shape tweens to strokes enhanced using the Variable Width Tool. Experiment with the shapes you want to use to determine the results. You can use shape hints to tell Animate which points on the beginning shape correspond to specific points on the end shape.
You can also tween the position and color of shapes within a shape tween.
To apply shape tweening to groups, instances, or bitmap images, break these elements apart. See Break apart a symbol instance.
To apply shape tweening to text, break the text apart twice to convert the text to objects. See Break apart a symbol instance.