Sociology, asked by iftib902, 1 year ago

explain sir syed ahmed khan's enormous success in the political arena of subcontinent?


Answered by rajnr411


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born in Delhi in the year 1817.

Sir Syed Ahmed waz very popular amongst the Muslim community, whether we talk in the educational or political department he always use to think about the betterment of the Muslim community.

he founded the Muhammadan Civil Service Fund Association so that Muslim student can go into the Indian Civil Service (ICS).

He Always fear about the backwardness of the Muslim community in the political Arena of India, he always think that Muslim will always be ruled under majority Hindu community.

he was also concerned for not adopting modern education by the student of Muslim community.

he also believed in TWO NATION theory and in 1906 he urged Muslims of subcontinent to support Muslim League which was demanding for TWO NATION.

Answered by sohailabbas



Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was born in delhi in 1817.

sir syed ahmad khan played a vital role in almost every department for the muslims including politics and education departments.

He encouraged Muslims to get modern education and also participate in politics.

sir syed ahmad khan was a big follower of TWO NATION THEORY.H

In 1906 he asked the Muslims of sub continent to participate in Muslim League.He stood in favor of TWO NATION THEORY and played his part in politics.

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