explain six anti poverty measures with full form?
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1.PMRY - Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna(1993).
✅The aim of this program is to create self employment opportunities for the people who are facing the prblem of educated unemployment in rural areas and small towns or cities.They are given this facility to set up their own small businesses.
2. REGP - Rural employment generation program(1995).
✅The program has been brought to create the job opportunities for the people who are living in villages or rural areas.A target for creating 25 lakh new jobs has been set for the program under the tenth five year plan.
3.MGNREGA -Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee act(2005).
✅Under this scheme the government of India ensures 100 days job.One -third seats are reserved for women.In case, the government fails to provide jobs, it gives compensation to them that is they give money in place of jobs.
4. SGSY - Swarnajayanti gram swarozgar yojna (1999).
✅The program aims at bringing the assisted poor families above the poverty line by organising them into self help groups through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy.
5. PMGY - Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya yojna(2000).
✅Under this scheme additional central assistance is given to states for basuc services such as primary health,primary education, rural shelter, rural drinking water and rural electrification.
6. AAY - Antodaya anna yojna (2000).
✅Under this scheme,one crore of the poorest among BPL families covered under the targeted public distribution system were identified.They were givin many facilities such that Twenty five kilograms of food grains were made available to each eligible family at a high subsidised rate that is Rs.2 for wheat and Rs.3 for rice So that no once can remains hungry and at one time food can be given to all the people of thr nation.
Great Work di.. __Handwriting Gazab__❤
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povety measure of India are
there are various types of anti poverty measure
1. National rural employment guarantee act
2. National food for work program.
3.Prime minister rozgar yojana
4. Rural employment generation programme .
5. Pradhan mantri gramodaya yojana.
6.Swarna jayanti gram swarojgar Yojana
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