Explain some of the important ideas of the section (income and other goals) in your own words
The above section is based on the income and the goals of the people. Here, besides seeking more income, people sometimes seek things like equal treatment, freedom, respect and security.
People have important goals as above. The factor on which life depends is money or income but the quality of our life depends on non-material things also.
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Look at the picture given below. What should be the developmental goals for such an area? »
« Give some examples where factors other than income are important aspects of our lives.
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The primary deciding factor of section is the income of an individual.However the other goals are also sought with almost equal importance.Here apart from finding ways to get more income, people often look for such things like security, equal treatment , freedom and respect.
These happen to be the most important goals in the life of an individual.The main factor on which life is dependent is money or income;however, the qualityof our life depends on a number of non-material factors.