explain special , creative and gifted children
Giftedness is a somewhat abstract term applied to people who, by virtue of outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance. Several variables figure in the scenario of giftedness, including aptitude, creativity, personality, and motivation.
Gifted, creative, and talented students have special educational needs: they may learn in ways different from other students; they are more curious; and they think more abstractly. At the same time, students who are gifted are vulnerable to the same forces that affect other children and youth and can become frustrated and bored in unstimulating learning environments. Hence, while many issues circulate in the education of students with gifts, talents, and creativity, the major issue is whether a public education system that is philosophically and administratively egalitarian in nature should provide special services for children who are already well-endowed.
Giftedness is a somewhat abstract term applied to people who, by virtue of outstanding abilities, are capable of high performance. ... Gifted, creative, and talented students have special educational needs: they may learn in ways different from other students; they are more curious; and they think more abstractly.