Explain STRIPS attribute and it's components along with suitable example
STRIPS: A New Approach to the
Application of .Theorem Proving to
Problem Solving'
Richard E. Fikes
Nils J. NHsson
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California
Recommended by B. Raphael
Presented at the 2nd IJCAI, Imperial College, London, England, September
1-3, 1971.
We describe a new problem solver called STRIPS that attempts to find a sequence of operators
in a spcce of world models to transform a given initial world model into a model in which a
given goal formula can be proven to be true. STRIPS represents a world n,~del as an arbitrary
collection of first-order predicate calculus formulas and is designed to work with .models con-
sisting of large numbers of formulas. It employs a resolution theorem prover to answer ques-
tions of particular models and uses means-ends analysis to guide it to the desired goal-satisfying
Problem solving, theorem proving, robot planning, heuristic search.
1. Introduction
This paper describes a new problem-solving program called STRIPS
(STanford Research Institute Problem Solver). An initial version of the
program has been implemented in LISP on a PDP-10 and is being used in
conjunction with robot ~esearch at SRI. STRIPS is a member of the class of
problem solvers that search a space of "world models" to find one in which a
given goal is achieved. For any world model, we assume that there exists a set
1 The research reported herein was sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administr~ttion under Contract NAS12-
Artificial Intelligence 2 (1971), 189--208
Copyright ~ 1971 by North-Holland Publishing Compan