explain the achievements of green revolution in India Agriculture
(i) Increase in Per Hectare Productivity: Per hectare productivity of all crops e.g. wheat, rice, cotton, gram, maize and bajra has increased. It is due to better seeds. Chemical fertilizers, irrigation and mechanization of agriculture
(ii) Development of Industries: Green Revolution has positive effect on development of Industries. Industries manufacturing agricultural tools like tractors, diesel engines, combines, threshers and pumping sets have been installed. International Tractors Ltd. "Sonalika', Standard Tractors Ltd. are some example.
(iii) Prosperity to Farmers: Green Revolution has brought prosperity to Farmers. Agriculture is regarded as a profitable occupation. Demand for consumer goods in Punjab has increased. Standard of living has gone up in Punjab.
(iv) Effect on Consumers: Green revolution has brought prosperity to rural masses. Bumper crops have generated employment opportunities for rural masses. Their standard of living has developed.
(v) Increase in Production: The main achievement of Green revolution is increase in production. In 1965-66 production of food grains was 33.89 lakh tonnes. In 1980-81 the output became 119 lakh tonnes.
(vi) Effect on Rural Employment: Due to multiple cropping and excessive uses of chemical fertilizers, the demand for labour increased. At sowing and harvesting time, acute shortage of labour is experienced. So green revolution has generated employment.
(vii) Ploughing Back of Profits: The another positive effect of Green Revolution is the ploughing back of increased profits in agriculture. A study conducted by PAU Ludhiana revealed that a farmer reinvests 55% of his family income in the development of his fields, 49% in short period investment and 6% in long term investment in land improvement and agriculture implements.
The Green Revolution marked on turning point in the Indian agriculture. As a result of the Green Revolution, we have become self-sufficient in food. We have also been able to maintain a buffer stock of food grains which can be used in the times of natural calamities such as drought and floods when the crop production is low.