Social Sciences, asked by pasha6, 1 year ago

explain the achievements of Napoleon Bonaparte of France


Answered by casy206
Ownership of land and property:

Free ownership of land and other property was enjoyed by the Frenchmen during the reign of Napoleon. The clergy and the nobles started claiming for their land that was taken in the course of the French revolution. Napoleon solved the problem and made the4 peasants to retain the land and other property that they had acquired during the course of the French revolution. He avoided reemergence of feudalism through which the nobles and the clergy would have grabbed land from the peasants. It also increased the productivities of peasants and reduced the4 problems of famine and starvation.

Re organizing Administration:

Napoleon re organized the Administration structure of France. this ended the administrative problems such as corruption, embezzlement and inefficiency. He centralized administration and created Departments headed by prefects and communes governed by Mayors. All these officers were appointed by him and therefore, loyal and answerable to him. Local councils continued to be elected by the people and their role was to advise the prefects and sub prefects. All these maintained law and order and created efficiency in service. It should be noted that Napoleon’s system of government was adopted and used in France unto now.

Reforms in Education:

Before Napoleon, France had poor Education system of very low standard. But Napoleon laid foundation for modern French Education. He set up secondary schools; semi military schools called Lycees run by government In the Lycees, military Science, Political Science and maths were emphasized to improve on the performance of the army. He also found the University of France the first University with its 17 branches or faculties distributed through out France. University education was brought under state control and this ended the disagreement between the church and the state. Schools were not congregative and they produced very creative students who severed the nation diligently.

. Commerce and Industry.

Napoleon transformed and improved on the industrial and commercial sectors of France. Before Napoleon came to power, these two sectors were referred to as “The laughing Stock of Europe “. They had completely declined due to trade restrictions numerous taxes, corruption, lack of government support etc.Napoleon created A central Bank of France in 1800 to give Loans to traders and manufacturers. By 1815, there were over 2000 Mills employing 40,000 people. He also embarked on the policy of protectionism to protect home industries. This helped to solve the problem of un employment in France.

Agricultural Development:

Napoleon’s regime greatly improved on Agricultural sector in France. He restored peace and stability which created good conducive atmosphere for agriculture. Government expenditure on Agriculture was increased to boost production. He embarked on land reclamation and drainage of swamps to increase cultivatable land. Farmers, co- operative societies were promoted with modern farming methods. This helped to increase on food production. I.e., food crops like beans, potatoes, wheat, etc were grown hence, solving the problem of famine that used to attack France.

. Financial Reforms:

Napoleon’s reforms improved on financial situation in France. Before Napoleon came to power, France experienced financial crisis and chronic inflation which was worse during the directory government. However, Napoleon stabilized the currency on gold standard system. He established the Bank of France in 1800 with task of giving loans and regulating the circulation of money in the economy. Tax collectors were to deposit tax proceeds to avoid corruption. Defeated and conquered states were made to pay indemnity to support the French economy.
. Tax Reforms:

Taxation that had been referred to as the cancer of the ancient regime was reformed and made fair. People were fairly assessed according to their ability and there was no tax exemption for the noble and the clergy. In 1803, Napoleon enacted the tariff law to limit export in order to safeguard the French infant industries from competition with British goods. He reduced the burden of taxation of the French men by over taxing the conquered states such as Italian states; German, Belgium etc.Corruption and embezzlement of tax proceeds (revenues) were heavily punished.
Answered by potterheadArushi


Hey buddy, i know the answer for this.....


  • In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor of France. He set out to conquer neighbouring European countries, dispossessing dynasties and creating kingdoms where he placed members of his family.
  • Napoleon saw his role as a moderniser of Europe. He introduced many laws such as the protection of private property and a uniform system of weights and measures provided by the decimal system.
  • Initially, many saw Napoleon as a liberator who would bring freedom for the people.
  • But soon the Napoleonic armies came to be viewed everywhere as an invading force.
  • He was finally defeated at Waterloo in 1815.
  • Many of his measures that carried the revolutionary ideas of liberty and modern laws to other parts of Europe had an impact on people long after Napoleon had left.

Hope this helps..... : )

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