Chemistry, asked by Wazowski3074, 11 months ago

Explain the action of bromine in presence of sodium hydroxide on primary secondary and tertiary nitroalkane


Answered by amitn6271


their are postive charge of alchol group OH

is define the no..of corbon atom in easly count is kown as niyroalkane

Answered by sushiladevi4418

Nitroalkane (action of bromine on it )


The primary and secondary nitro derivatives of alkane react with halogen say bromine in presence of NaOH and form halogen containing compounds .

Let us see what products do we get :

When  Primary nitroalkanes react they form form mono & di-bromide derivatives.

The secondary nitroalkanes forms mono halogen derivative.

The  tertiary nitroalkanes do not react with bromine due to the absence of any alpha -hydrogen.

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