Biology, asked by karaganaharish139, 1 year ago

Explain the activity which you have performed to understand the concept
that the "Stomach protects itself, from the secretion of its own acids. How
do you apply the result ?

I want aim, material, observation, result​


Answered by surya16363


step by step explanation


AIM: To prove that stomach protects itself from the secretion of own acids

APPARATUS: two free leaves, petroleum jelly,

two petridishes, dilute HCl

PROCEDURE: * First take two green leaves.

* apply petroleum jelly for the first

leaf and leave the second leaf without applying anything.

* then take two petridishes, put those leaves in it.

* now, our some amount of dilute HCl acid into two dishes.

* observe the changes

OBSERVATION : we observe that the plane leaf will be turned black where as first leaf doesn't because we had applied petroleum jelly for it.

by this mucus membrane situated in walls of stomach will protect from the acids.

CONCLUSION: By above activity we can prove that stomach will be protected from the acid

Answered by devsankla


The stomach is protected by the epithelial cells, which secrete and produce a bicarbonate rich solution that coats the mucosa. Stomach protects itself from autodigestion for the continuous supply of bicarbonate stomach protect itself from whole acidic environment also. Enzymes, which make up part of the digestive juices are also secreted by the stomach wall, from gland with no barrier of mucus.

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