English, asked by nitinsharmaer, 11 months ago

Explain the ant’s principle
“We ants never borrow, we ants never lend”

Class 8 1st poem: the and the cricket


Answered by myrakincsem

The principle of the ant describes that one should already be prepared for everything and hence should not borrow from others.

  • The ant mentions to the cricket that they have a principle of borrowing or lending things.
  • One should already be prepared for the circumstances that can arise in the future.
  • In the poem, the ant prepares for the winters by preparing for a shelter and storing food.
  • On the other hand, the cricket enjoys the summer by singing around and does not prepare for the winters.
  • When the winters arise, the cricket has no food and shelter.
  • He goes to the ant for lending him food and shelter.
  • The ant says that although the cricket is his friend but they have a principle of never borrowing or lending.
  • The principle describes that one should already be prepared for what is to come. We should never depend on others as this habit will just make us lazy.

To learn more about the poem,



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