Explain the boolean data type?
In computer science, a boolean or bool is a data type that has two possible values: it is either true, or false. It is named after the English mathematician and logician George Boole, whose algebraic and logical systems are used in all modern digital computers.
Boolean is pronounced BOOL-ee-an. The word "Boolean" should only be capitalized in reference to Boolean logic or Boolean algebra. When referring to the data type in computer programming, the word "boolean" is properly spelled with a lowercase b.
What is a boolean data type?
What is a boolean data type?In computer science, a boolean data type is any data type that has either a true or false value, yes or no value, or on or off (1 or 0) value. By default, the boolean data type is set to false. In some programming languages, such as Perl, there is no special boolean data type. However, when using if it returns as either true or false.
In computer science, the boolean data type is a data type that has one of two possible values which is interested to represent the two truth values of logic and boolean algebra.