Explain the Born-Haber cycle
The Born-Haber cycle is an approach to analyze reaction energies. It was named after the two German scientists Max Born and Fritz Haber, who developed it in 1919. It was also independently formulated by Kasimir Fajans and published concurrently in the same issue of the same journal.
Born Haber cycle is a cycle of enthalpy change of process that leads to the formation of a solid crystalline ionic compound from the elemental atoms in their standard state and of the enthalpy of formation of the solid compound such that the net enthalpy becomes zero.
We usually use the energy level diagram to present the Born Haber Cycle, which can be broken down into 4 steps.
Formation. Formation involves the reaction from elements in the standard state to ionic compound. ...
Atomisation. ...
Ionisation. ...
Lattice Energy.