explain the case of maxico??
Mexico is an extremely varied country in terms of both geography and climate. It is often the physical terrain which in fact determines the climate, although there are also seasonal changes which are most marked by the summer rainy season (June to October). Mexico lies within the tropical belt and contains many mountainous areas as well as valley and plateau regions.
1.2 Its two great mountain ranges are the Sierra Madre Occidental in the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental in the east. They run parallel down to the coasts, enclosing a high semi-desert plateau and about half way down they are crossed by the volcanic highland area in which stand Mexico City and the major centers of population. The mountains run together as a single range through the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. Only the eastern tip of Mexico, in the Yucatan peninsula, is consistently low-lying and flat. The southeastern state of Chiapas is an area of tropical rain forest and is the wettest state in Mexico, whereas in the semi-desert north, the rainfall is very scarce. This temporal and spatial variability in rainfall is illustrated in figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 - Rainfall Variability in Mexico
1.3 The variability in rainfall is therefore a significant factor which determines the availability or scarcity of water throughout the Mexican Republic. The overall annual renewable availability is 450 km3 and in spite of the relative abundance of water in some regions the actual availability is restricted by the need for treatment. The hydraulic balance has therefore been described in terms of “real” water availability, that is water with the required quality for specific uses (Jiménez et al, 1998).
1.4 Mexico is a country with 95 million inhabitants with a concentration of more than 17 million within Mexico City. The average water availability is close to five thousand cubic meters per year, per capita, which is well above the international scarcity standard of one thousand. But temporal and spatial variability, as well as waste and pollution determine actual availability, which in turn gives rise to conflicts among water usage, users, states and regions. Given this situation, the implementation of an effective water rights administration is essential. The following account will review the setting up of such a system of administration and will focus particularly on the importance of regularization of existing water uses and wastewater discharges throughout the Mexican Republic.
I'm not sure about this