explain the circadian rhythm and name the hormone which is responsible for it
If you’ve ever noticed that you tend to feel energized and drowsy around the same times every day, you have your circadian rhythm to thank. What is it, exactly? Your circadian rhythm is basically a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of your brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. It's also known as your sleep/wake cycle.
For most adults, the biggest dip in energy happens in the middle of the night (somewhere between 2:00am and 4:00am, when they're usually fast asleep) and just after lunchtime (around 1:00pm to 3:00pm, when they tend to crave a post-lunch nap). Those times can be different if you’re naturally a night owl or a morning person. You also won’t feel the dips and rises of your circadian rhythm as strongly if you’re all caught up on sleep. It’s when you’re sleep-deprived that you’ll notice bigger swings of sleepiness and alertness.
What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. This important hormone plays a crucial role in the childbirth process and also helps with male reproduction.
CIRCADIAN RHYTHM: This ia 24 hour cycle which is endogenously is generated in the physiological of living beings.
This harmone is also called as sleep harmone, because it promotes sleep.
-It's secretion increases in dim light and decreases in dim light.
-Melatonin concentration in blood appears to flow a diurnal(day-night) cycle as it rises in the evening and through the night and drops to a low around noon.
-Melatonin lightens skin colour in certain animals.
this harmone is secreted by pineal gland. This gland is located between the cerebral hemispheres.