History, asked by nandanikumari4785, 1 year ago

Explain the clasificaton of French society and hilate the causes for the French society


Answered by quest2
hii mate

here is your answer

1st PART

The French Society was divided into 3 divisions that were Clergy, Nobility and 3rd estate.

1. Clergy consisted of the high priests and they did not have to pay taxes.

2. Nobility consisted of the king and the and the peole who were very rich and wealthy and even they dont have to pay taxes.

3. The 3rd estate consisted of peasants, farmers, lawyers, some middle class minsters, etc and they all had to pay taxes.

2nd PART

The three main causes of French revolution are as follows: 1. Political Cause 2. Social Cause 3. Economic Cause.

1. Political Cause:

During the eighteen the Century France was the centre of autocratic monarchy. The French Monarchs had unlimited power and they declared themselves as the “Representative of God”.

Louis XIV was the exponent of this view. The French Monarchs engaged themselves in luxurious and extravagance at the royal court of Versailles. They enjoyed unlimited power. By the Letter de Catchet, they arrested any person at any time and imprisoned them. They paid no attention towards their subjects.

Louis XIV (1643-1715) of the Bourbon Dynasty was a powerful monarch. He was an efficient, hard-working and confident ruler. He participated in many wars. Louis XIV’s concept of unlimited royal power is revealed by his famous remarks, “I am the State”.

Louis XV (1715-1774) succeeded Louix XIV He was a ‘butterfly monarch’. His defective foreign policy weakened the economic condition of France. Louis XV fought the Seven Years War against England which brought nothing for France. France became bankrupt due to over expenditure in wars and luxury. He realised it later on. Before his death he cried-‘After me the Deluge’.

After Louis XV, Louis XVI (1774-1793) ascended the throne of France. During that period, the economic condition of France became weak. Louis XVI was an innocent and simple man. But he was influenced by his queen Marie Antoinette who always interfered in the state affairs.

Out of frustration he uttered-“Oh! What a burden of mine and they have taught me nothing.” Marie Antoinette was the daughter of Marie Theresa, the Austrian Empress. She always felt proud as she was the daughter of Austrain Empress. She always enjoyed luxurious and extravagant life. She sowed seed of the French Revolution. Thus, the autrocratic monarchy, defective administration, extravagant expenditure formed the political cause of the French Revolution.

2. Social Cause:

The Social condition of France during the eighteenth century was very miserable. The then French Society was divided into three classes— the Clergy, Nobles and Common People.

The Clergy belonged to the First Estate. The Clergy was sub­divided into two groups i.e. the higher clergy and the lower clergy. The higher clergy occupied the top position in the society. They managed the churches, monasteries and educational institutions of France. They did not pay any tax to the monarch.

They exploited the common people in various ways. The higher clergy lived in the midst of scandalous luxury and extravagance. The common people had a strong hatred towards the higher clergy. On the other hand, the lower clergy served the people in true sense of the term and they lived a very miserable life.

3. Economic Cause:

The economic condition of France formed another cause for the outbreak of the French Revolution. The economic condition of France became poor due to the foreign wars of Louis XIV, the seven years War of Louis XV and other expensive wars. During the reign period of Louis XVI, the royal treasury became empty as extravagant expenses of his queen Marie Antoinette.

To get rid of this condition. Louis XVI appointed Turgot as his Finance Minister in 1774. Turgot tried to minimise the expenditure of the royal court. He also advised the king to impose taxes on every classes of the society. But due to the interference of Queen Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI dismissed Turgot.

Then Necker was appointed as the Finance Minister in 1776. He published a report on the income and expenditure of the State in order to arouse the people. But he was also dismissed by the king.

The next person who was appointed by the King as the Finance Minister of France in 1783 was Callone. He adapted the policy of borrowing in order to meet the expenditure of the royal court. But due to this policy, the national debt of France increased from 300,000,000 to 600,000,000 Franks only in three years

Answered by Anonymous

Here is your answer
Q.Explain the classficaton of French society ?



☆ The Clergy was known as the first estate of France

☆ They have many privileges from birth.

☆ They are not paying tax.

☆The Roman Catholic Church in France on a national basis.

☆This included exemption from taxes,which was a big burden on the third estate.


☆ the Nobility was known as second is State of France.

☆ They also have many birth privileges.

☆ They are are from royal family members.

☆They aslo included exemption from taxes which was a big burden on the third estate.

Third estate:-

☆The last estate was known as Third estate of France.

☆They have no birth privileges.

☆They are Peasent ,lawyer & etc

☆They paying taxes for 1st estate , 2nd estate & king.
Q. What are the causes of french revolution society ?


☆Political conflict: conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility over the reform of the tax system led to paralysis and bankruptcy.

☆Social cause of french is divided into three classes— the Clergy, Nobles and Common People just because of this third people was paying taxes so this is the main causes of french revolution.
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