explain the classification of industries.
Industries can be classified on the following factors :–
1. On the basis of raw materials used in the industries :
2. Agro based industries that processes raw materials such as cotton, jute etc.
3. Mineral based industries such as iron and steel, aluminium, and petrochemicals.
Based on their Main role:-
a. Basic industries supply their goods as raw materials to the manufacturer. E.g - iron, aluminium and copper smelting.
b. Consumer industries directly supply their goods to the consumers. E.g - sewing machines, paper etc.
Based on their capital investment :-
The small scale industries are with reference to maximum investment allowed on the assets.
Based on ownership industries can be classified as in the following ways:–
a. Public sector industries which are owned by the government.
b. Private sector industries which are owned by individuals or a group of individuals.
c. Joint sector industries which are jointly operated by the state and individuals.
d. Cooperative sector industries are controlled by the the suppliers, the producers of raw materials and also by workers as well.
Based on weight of the bulk of raw materials used :-
a. Heavy industries such as iron and steel industries.
b. Light industries such as electronic gadgets industries.
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