Social Sciences, asked by vgolchha1, 1 year ago

Explain the concept of communal politics. What happens in the extreme cases of its application?


Answered by psr1972



An important feature of colonial India was the emergence of communalism as a force that guided the destiny of India into a blood bath and inevitable partition of the Indian subcontinent on communal lines.

Though India was a land of multi-religions, creeds and faiths, pre-colonial India was never plagued by the worm of communalism.

It was the purposeful colonial policy of divide and rule that laid the seeds of communalism which grew into a huge tree that disturbed the solidarity, of the age-old mosaic of India and it is still haunting to sap the vitality of the newly won independence.

Communalism is thus a modern phenomenon which has gained currency as a negative concept in recent times. Bipan Chandra observes: ‘communalism is basically an ideology appears to be a simple and easily understood. Communalism or communal ideology consists of three basic elements or stages, one following the other.

The three basic premises are:

(1) Belief that people who follow the same religion has common political, economic, cultural and social interest

(2) Belief in a notion that in a multi-religious society like India, the common interests of the followers of one religion are dissimilar and divergent from the interests of the followers of another religion, and

(3) Belief that the interests of the followers of different religions or different communities are seen to be mutually incom­patible, antagonistic and hostile”.

Answered by gve5633


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