explain the conditions of rise of napolean in france.
France was ruled by the Directory, an executive made up of five members. (i) However, the Directors often clashed with the Legislative Councils, who then sought to dismiss them. (ii) The political instability of the Directory paved the way for the rise of a military dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.
The French Revolution;
There is a common agreement that Napoleon was a product of the French Revolution without which, he would have died a common man. Napoleon’s rise to power was greatly due to the progressive events of the French Revolution. He exploited the opportunities provided by the revolution to become Emperor of France, yet he was from a poor family. The French Revolution contributed in the following ways:
a) The Revolution abolished social discriminative class system and offered equality for opportunities for talented men like Napoleon. i.e., it brought the principle of career opened to talents where Napoleon was promoted.
b) The revolution cleared off all the senior military Generals of Noble class by 1792 especially during reign of Terror. this created chance for a young Artillery officer Napoleon to come to power.
c) The Revolution provided chance for Napoleon to expose his abilities and military talents. i.e., in the Italian campaign and Egyptian campaign, though he failed in Egypt, he was considered a Hero and it increased his popularity.
d) The Revolution Government of Directory that was too weak provided a power vacuum that Napoleon used to come to power. i.e., they had failed to fulfill people’s demand.
e) The revolution created the internal and external rivalries through which Napoleon got a chance to participate. He was appointed to guard the Directory government officials in the assembly against Paris mob..
f) Napoleon exported the Revolutionary Ideas of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity and by doing that, he fulfilled the aspiration of the revolutionaries
. The weakness of the Directory government:
The Directory government was the last government within the revolutionary period. Its weaknesses and unpopular ties paved way for Napoleon’s rise to power. It was weak in the following ways:
a) They had failed to control religious conflicts in France
b) They failed to maintain law and order internally.
c) The Directors were divided by ideological differences, e.g., Abbey Sieyes opposed the war against the second coalition and wanted peace. This confusion provided chance for Napoleon to come to power ie, he was helped by Abbey sieyes to organize a coup that brought him to power in 1799.
d) The Directory government had failed to solve the problem of corruption that made them unpopular to the French men.
e) Directory government had failed to provide a strong personality to lead France at home. Napoleon seemed to offer a solution.
Military Genenous:
Napoleon’s military Geneous was also another factor that brought him to power. During his training in the military Academy, he was the best young Artillery student and that is why he was called back after expulsion from the Academy. Even in wars that he fought, Napoleon proved that he was beyond other ordinary persons. This helped him in the following ways:
a) it was from his military Geneous that he protected the gains and the achievements of the French Revolution.
b) It was also his military Geneous that he protected Directory government officials from the popular “Whiff of grapeshot” the Philosophies that he used to re activate the morals of his soldiers reflects his geneous.
c) In Egypt, the way he managed to escape from the British ambushes that had surrounded him shows his military geneous.
d) His military Geneous en able him to succeed in the Italian campaign and that gave him popularity.