Explain the connection and motivate why inhumane factory farming methods is important
The connection of motivation and inhumane factory farming methods is ;
Factory farming gears towards production of massive farm produce for human consumption.
The animals are reared , slaughtered and procceses for human consumption.
Some industrial practices are total inhumane and manipulative .
Activities succh as overfeeding genetic modification and use of drugs to improve animal wheight are concidered as malpractices and completely out of human order .
Inhuman factory methods
The inhuman factory methods are more important since it is a type of a farming method where the animals like cow and goat are reared to produce dairy products in a factory.
This farming method is highly connected with the pollution as it releases larger percentage of wastes as all the animals are caged together in a single row which may also result in the spread of infections from one animal to the other.
To know more:
Animals are also victims of inhumane farming methods explain how they get affected