explain the contribution of socialist in the social change.
( for class 9 please give proper answer in point ).
Socialism in Europe and the Russia Revolution Class 9 Extra Questions History Chapter
The Three Political Paradigms
After the French Revolution, there was an emergence of new paradigms that were
new to the political sphere of the period at that time. They were:
• Conservatives
. Liberals
• Radicals.
The Problems with Industrialisation
Before industrialization in Europe, the people were no longer able to sustain their livelihood using traditional farming and agriculture methods. Growing population, constant wars, monarchy, etc. were causing the living standard of the people in Europe to decline.
People came in lots to work in the industries due to which wages were very less.
Due to urbanization, problems arose due to housing and sanitation.
The liberals and radicals wanted solutions for such issues.
The Emergence of Socialism,
The socialists promoted the ownership of properties to communities as they thought the privately owned properties were crony. Some socialists were Robert Owen, Louis Blanc, etc. who supported the formation of cooperatives dismantling the privately owned industries.
Karl Marx noted that the profit that was made by the owners was due to the hard work of the workers. He thought that prevention of accumulation of wealth needs to be done and dreamt of a world where the society was rich as a whole.
Socialist Revolution in Russia
• In the early 20th century, Russia had a monarchical system.