explain the depositional work of glacier answer in detail
Depositional landforms of continental glaciers
Many of the deposits of continental ice sheets are very similar to those of valley glaciers. Terminal, end, and recessional moraines are formed by the same process as with valley glaciers (see above), but they can be much larger. Morainic ridges may be laterally continuous for hundreds of kilometres, hundreds of metres high, and several kilometres wide. Since each moraine forms at a discreet position of the ice margin, plots of end moraines on a map of suitable scale allow the reconstruction of ice sheets at varying stages during their retreat.
In addition to linear accumulations of glacial debris, continental glaciers often deposit a more or less continuous, thin (less than 10 metres) sheet of till over large areas, which is called ground moraine. This type of moraine generally has a “hummocky” topography of low relief, with alternating small till mounds and depressions. Swamps or lakes typically occupy the low-lying areas. Flutes (see above) are a common feature found in areas covered by ground moraine.
Another depositional landform associated with continental glaciation is the drumlin, a streamlined, elongate mound of sediment. Such structures often occur in groups of tens or hundreds, which are called drumlin fields. The long axis of individual drumlins is usually aligned parallel to the direction of regional ice flow. In long profile, the stoss side of a drumlin is steeper than the lee side. Some drumlins consist entirely of till, while others have bedrock cores draped with till. The till in many drumlins has been shown to have a “fabric” in which the long axes of the individual rocks and sand grains are aligned parallel to the ice flow over the drumlin. Even though the details of the process are not fully understood, drumlins seem to form subglacially close to the edge of an ice sheet, often directly down-ice from large lake basins overridden by the ice during an advance. The difference between a rock drumlin and a drumlin is that the former is an erosional bedrock knob (see above), whereas the latter is a depositional till feature.