English, asked by ramjeetkmr8, 8 months ago

Explain the difference between a questionnaire and a schedule.​


Answered by kumariprneem


Difference Between Questionnaire and Schedule

Last updated on September 28, 2017 by Surbhi S

questionnaire vs schedulePeople quite commonly use questionnaire and schedule interchangeably, due to much resemblance in their nature; however, there are many differences between these two. While a questionnaire is filled by the informants themselves, enumerators fill schedule on behalf of the respondent.

The research process is incomplete without collection of data, which starts after identification of research problem and chalking out research design. The researcher should keep in mind that there are two types of data, i.e. primary and secondary data. There are several methods involved in the collection of primary data, like observation, interview, questionnaires, schedules, etc.

Content: Questionnaire Vs Schedule

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart


Meaning Questionnaire refers to a technique of data collection which consist of a series of written questions along with alternative answers. Schedule is a formalized set of questions, statements and spaces for answers, provided to the enumerators who ask questions to the respondents and note down the answers.

Filled by Respondents Enumerators

Response Rate Low High

Coverage Large Comparatively small

Cost Economical Expensive

Respondent's identity Not known Known

Success relies on Quality of the questionnaire Honesty and competence of the enumerator.

Usage Only when the people are literate and cooperative. Used on both literate and illiterate people.


Definition of Questionnaire

We define questionnaire as an instrument for research, which consists of a list of questions, along with the choice of answers, printed or typed in a sequence on a form used for acquiring specific information from the respondents. In general, questionnaires are delivered to the persons concerned either by post or mail, requesting them to answer the questions and return it. Informants are expected to read and understand the questions and reply in the space provided in the questionnaire itself.

The questionnaire is prepared in such a way that it translate the required information into a series of questions, that informants can and will answer. Further, it should be such that the respondent gets motivated and encouraged, to make him engaged in the interview and complete it. The merits of questionnaires are discussed below:

It is an inexpensive method, regardless of the size of the universe.

Free from the bias of the interviewer, as the respondents answer the questions in his own words.

Respondents have enough time to think and answer.

Due its large coverage, respondents living in distant areas can also be reached conveniently.

Definition of Schedule

The schedule is a proforma which contains a list of questions filled by the research workers or enumerators, specially appointed for the purpose of data collection. Enumerators go to the informants with the schedule, and ask them the questions from the set, in the sequence and record the replies in the space provided. There are certain situations, where the schedule is distributed to the respondents, and the enumerators assist them in answering the questions.

Enumerators play a major role in the collection of data, through schedules. They explain the aims and objects of the research to the respondents and interpret the questions to them when required. This method is little expensive as the selection, appointment and training of the enumerators require a huge amount. It is used in case of extensive enquiries conducted by the government agencies, big organisations. Most common example of data collection through schedule is population census.

Answered by Kristiania

The difference between a questionnaire and a schedule .


Schedule -

It is the proper set of questions , along with which space is provided to fill it with an answer by the person , is referred to as a schedule .

Questionnaire -

It is the method to collect response from various people , by arranging various questions , related to a particular field , is referred to as a questionnaire .

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