Explain the difference between CST and LST elements.
The LST element has six nodes and twelve displacement degrees of freedom. The displacement function for the triangle is quadratic. The procedure to derive the LST element stiffness matrix and element equations is identical to that used for the CST element.
In LST, the element's strain will change. The Displacement function in LST is quadratic, which is the difference. Compared to LST elements, CST elements are stiffer.
Even while we can utilise CST with a large enough number of components in geometry to capture bending behaviour, CST elements are inadequate at doing so. Constant Strain Triangle (CST) is a three-noded, conventionally linear, first-order triangular element. As suggested by its name, this element is constantly under strain. LST (Linear Strain Triangle), on the other hand, is a quadratic (second order) triangular element with six nodes (additional 3 in the middle of each edge). Within the element, strain is linear in this instance. When analysing plane problems in continuum mechanics, the LST element is frequently employed in finite element models to provide a rough estimate. The constant strain triangle element, commonly referred to as the CST element or T3 element, is used in numerical mathematics.