Explain the difference between left centre.right and justified alignments (when you do think left justification is preferable over just fied alignment ?
So, alignments set the distance of the text from the left and right margins and sometimes also from the top and bottom margins....
What are the types of alignments?
If we talk about left and right margins, alignments can be of four types as follows:
Left alignment: Left alignment joins the text with the left margin. This alignment is mostly used for writing letters, and content of a main heading etc.....
Center alignment: Center alignment positions the text at the center of the page, with equal distance from the left and right margins. This alignment is used mostly for topic headings etc....
Right alignment: Right alignment joins the text with the right margin. This alignment is mostly used for highlighting the main points of a topic or writing an important note etc.....
Justify alignment: This alignment joins the text with both the left and right margins, and stretches the text if needed. This alignment is used mostly for writing circulars, notices etc.....
If you have read the definitions carefully, you must have found some examples of the use of all the alignments and it must be clear to you that when to use which alignment. This must also have cleared your doubt of when should left and justified alignments be used and what is the difference between them.
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