explain the difference hard and soft water
Hard water... is water that contains an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals (like calcium and magnesium). Soft water... is treatedwater in which the only ion is sodium. As rainwater falls, it is naturally soft. ... On the other hand, soft water tastes salty and is sometimes not suitable for drinking.
hope it will help you. .
Have you ever wondered what makes water hard or soft? Or why some water leaves cloudy residue on your dishes or shower curtains? Well this article will explain the difference between the two different kinds of water and what are the pros and cons between the two.
First off the main difference between hard and soft water is that hard water contains more minerals and that soft water is treated to have less minerals. It’s quite simple, but to dive a little deeper into the subject and get our hands wet it is important to know what minerals are actually contained in each type of water.
Hard water contains more minerals such as:
Calcium bicarbonate
Magnesium bicarbonate
Calcium Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate
Calcium Chloride
Magnesium Chloride
Soft water contains fewer minerals such as: