*Explain the differences between the different computer generations. How contribute to these developments?
Therefore, from 1946 till now a total of 5 Generations have been introduced and today we are using Fifth Generation Computer Systems.
Technology refers to the changes made in computer technology over time. Earlier, the computer used to be a big machine with a lot of heavy wiring, whereas nowadays, a computer can be carried in hands.
Initially, the changes made were limited to those made in hardware technology. However, now it includes both hardware and software developments.
The table given below shows and differentiate between the five generations of computers:
With the evolution of technologies in the realm of science, we have been able to make such huge developments in the field of computers.
With the discovery of semiconductors, transistors were made in 1947 at bell laboratories. These enabled the scientist to replace the large-sized vacuum tubes in computers with small-sized transistors.
In 1961, the integration of thousands of transistors on a single chip was made possible. Thus, the IC-based computer became smaller in size, faster, more reliable, and less expensive.
The technology of integrated circuits (ICs) improved rapidly. The VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) circuit and LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuit was designed. It further led to the invention of microprocessor-based computers.
Scientists are still working continuously on the 5th generation computers. It is based on the Technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI). These computers can understand spoken words & imitate human reasoning.